About this site
This site presents Catholic News & Catholic Links from a predominantly traditional & conservative perspective. The underlying theme/narrative is the rejection of all modernist leanings in the Church.
About Me
Francis Williamson is my name. I am a contended husband, a father of four daughters and father-in-law of two sons and four (and soon to be six) fabulous grandchildren. Until very recently I lectured in Philosophy at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. (I am in the process of being dismissed because of my stance against the vaccine mandate. See below.)
My interests range over all things Catholic, including the philosophical patrimony of the Catholic Church and its role in the ongoing culture wars regarding politics and the nature of our society.
This site is a labour of love.
Email me at francis@williamson.co.za
Resistance to the Covid Totalitarianism
In early 2022 some colleagues and I engaged a law firm to legally challenge the university’s vaccine mandate policy. We have so far not succeeded in getting our case heard on an urgent basis. You can follow the details here.
I have been barred from teaching at the University while a process of dismissal is underway, after 30 years of loyal service, all because of my insistence on freedom with respect to my bodily integrity and the right of refusal of an undesired medical intervention.
Here are some documents written in relation to this affair.