Pertinent Posts
- Who is Pauline Jaricot, beatified on Sunday 21 May 2022?
- Critical Notice on Paragraph 303 of Amoris Laetitia
- Liz Yore on the arrest of Cardinal Zen and the Vatican’s secret deal with China
- Archbishop Vigano on replacing the Novus Ordo Mass
- Cardinal Zen’s Arrest Will Test the Vatican’s Agreement With Communist China| National Catholic Register
- Debunking Myths about Communion in the Hand
- Why we hunger for Beauty …
- Justice Alito says ‘egregiously wrong’ Roe v. Wade lacks historical, legal precedent
- Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows
- Evelyn Waugh’s Warning About Vatican II
- What Will our Resurrected Bodies be Like?
- The Division of Opinion on Archbishop Vigano
- There is schism within the Church
- May, the Marian Month: Perfect Devotional Book
- Elon Musk and the Posthumanist Threat
Marvelous Media
Scott Hahn and Cameron Bertuzzi on objections to the Papacy
20 May 2022
Scott Hahn interviews Noelle Mering, author of Awake, Not Woke: A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology
3 May 2022
Faith Fundamentals
Brian Gaybba Talks | Faith Topics | Apologetics Posts |
Pdf’s of talks given by the late great South African theologian Brian Gaybba | A searchable index of topics relating to The Faith | All posts on this site related to Apologetics. |
Continuous Catholic Catechesis
Communion in the hand: myths debunked.
Brant Pitre on the Seven Golden Lampstands in the Book of Revelation 1:12
Testy Topics
Controversial matters. Treat with cautious scepticism.
- Four Questions concerning whether Benedict XVI “knew” what his resignation was invalid but did it in any case to protect the Church.
- Ann Barnhardt on Ministry versus Office with respect to the Papacy
- Why Has Christ Permitted the Bergoglian Antipapacy?
- John Henry Westen talks to Patrick Coffin on why the election of Francis to the papacy may be invalid
- The WHO’s plan for a global health system?
- Follow the Munus! Dr. Mazza via Dr. Briggs as the debate heats up over Pope Benedict’s abdication
- LifeSite News’ John Henry Westen interviews Dr Ed Mazza on Benedict XVI’s “problematic” resignation
- Philosopher Edward Feser responds to Patrick’s Coffin “antipope” video
- Patrick Coffin’s video “Seven Pieces of Evidence that Francis is An Antipope”